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What is Tree in Data Structure? Explain different types of trees.

Tree:  Data frequently contain a hierarchical relationship between various elements. The data structure which reflects this relationship is called a rooted tree graph or simply a tree. Among different types of data structures in practice, tree is very important to store and manipulate data with complex relationship. This is sometimes like the properties of an … Read more

What are memory mapped I/O and isolated I/O? What are differences between memory mapped I/O and isolated I/O?

Memory Mapped I/O and Isolated I/O are two methods of performing input-output operations between CPU and installed peripherals in the system.  Memory Mapped I/O: Memory mapped I/O uses the same address bus to connect both primary memory and memory of hardware devices (registers). Memory and registers of I/O devices gets assigned values, thus when CPU … Read more

What is computer? What are the four elements of computer? What are the functions of a computer?

what is computer. what are the elements and functions of computer


A computer is a multipurpose electronic device that can receive, store, process data and deliver information. A computer takes data such as numbers, text, images etc. as input and then process those data and converts those to useful information. Additionally, a computer can also store data and information both for future use. Also, a computer can perform scheduled tasks. Computers are programmed devices. Computer programmers write programs or software for computer which actually takes input, process it and outputs information.

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What is information systems? What are the components or resources of information systems?

What is information systems? What are the components or resources of information systems?

Information Systems Definition

Systems that collect, verify, store, process, report and update data to output valuable and useful information are called information systems. Information systems are being used from ancient time period. With the development of computing technologies and it’s uses, modern information systems are computer based information systems which can process billions of data to output desired information in seconds or minutes. Various types of computer based information systems are available.

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What is Data and Information? Write the differences between Data and Information.

differences between data and information

Data and Information


Raw materials used in a process to obtain targeted result of goal are called data. In other words, pieces of information which by itself may or may not mean something but useful when connected or used with other pieces of information to form a piece of information that means something, are called data. Data can be of two types

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What is critical system?

Critical System Those systems are called critical systems which not only causes inconvenience, no or not-noticeable impact on time, money and life but also causes loss or injuries to life, economical destruction and such bigger impacts when the system fails. For example, an word processor is meant to be used to type texts and if … Read more

What is software process? What are the 4 activities of software process framework?

Software Process:  Software Process is a set of required activities and the outcome of the activities with a target to produce a software product. A software process is a flowchart of developing a software product, which includes fathering requirements, analyzing those requirements, scheduling development phases, checking the developments, implementing changes etc. and this can be … Read more

What is a process in operating system? What are the process states?

Operating systems (OS) play a crucial role in managing and coordinating various aspects of computer systems. One of the fundamental responsibilities of an operating system is process management, which involves creating, scheduling, and controlling processes. Process in Operating System A process can be thought as a program in execution, but a program by itself is … Read more

What is operating system? What are the purposes, goals and roles of operating system.


Operating System

An operating system is an intermediary program between computer user and the computer hardware. This computer user can also be just another software running on the operating system or another computer or device. So basically, operating systems are computer programs that let other computer programs or humans communicate with the hardware of the computers. 

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