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What is histogram? How low brightness and high brightness images can be identified from a histogram? DIP

Histogram:  The histogram plots the number of pixels in the image (vertical axis) with a particular brightness value (horizontal axis). Considering the following graph, Here the vertical axis is showing the no of pixels and horizontal axis is showing the grey-levels of the image. From this histogram of that image it is found that the … Read more

Who is Database administrator? Write some functions of DBA in DBMS

Database Administrator: One of the main reasons behind using DBMS is to have central control on both data and the applications access those data. The person who has such central control over the data is called a database administrator (DBA). Some of the functions of DBA are given below, Schema Definition: The DBA creates the … Read more

What is transaction? What is Transaction Management? DBMS

Transaction: A transaction is a collection of operations that performs a single logical function in a database application. Such as, when we want to add BDT 500 to account A and subtract BDT 500 from account B, that will be a transaction.  Transaction Management: Transaction is a unit of both atomicity and consistency. Thus it … Read more

What is storage manager? Describe the components of storage manager. DBMS

What is storage manager? Describe the components of storage manager. DBMS

Storage Manager in a Database Management System in DBMS

The Storage Manager is a crucial component of a Database Management System (DBMS) that handles the storage, retrieval, and management of data on secondary storage devices. It acts as a bridge between the higher-level components of the DBMS, such as the query processor and transaction manager, and the physical storage media, typically disk drives.

At its core, the Storage Manager is responsible for efficiently organizing and managing the persistent storage of data. It provides an interface between the logical representation of data within the DBMS and the physical storage devices where the data resides. This involves translating high-level data operations and requests from the DBMS into low-level disk operations, ensuring that data is stored, retrieved, and managed reliably.

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What are database languages? Describe DML (DBMS)

Database Language: As whatever we want to be manipulated by computer has to be written using specific language, database is not beyond them. To write or create database management system we use database languages. They are of two types; Data Definition Language (DDL) and Data Manipulation Language (DML). DDL is used to design a database … Read more

What is data model? Describe various data models. DBMS

Data Model: Data model is the structure of the database, which is a collection of conceptual tools for describing data, data relationships, data semantics and consistency constraints.  The data models can be classified into the following four categories. Relational Model: The relational data model uses a collection of tables to represent both data and the … Read more

What are instances and schema? DBMS

Instances: A database is generally used by many users where insertion and deletion of data occurs frequently. Overall information stored in a database at a particular moment is called the instance of the database.  Schemas: The overall design of a database which includes the data structures, table designing and relation of data from table to … Read more

What is data abstraction? Describe the levels briefly. DBMS

Data Abstraction: Different users require different view of the database which is useful and necessary to them. This is data abstraction by which we abstract useful data from a database for a particular type of users to use.  There are 3 levels of data abstraction, those are as follows; Physical Level: The lowest level of … Read more

What is Database? Define DBMS (Database Management System).

Database: A database contains a collection of related items or facts arranged in a specific structure. The most obvious example of a non-computerized database is a telephone directory.  DBMS (Database Management System): A database management system is a collection of interrelated data and a set of programs to access those data. It allows people to … Read more