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8 Differences between optical and magnetic storage devices.

Differences between optical and magnetic storage devices are how they store and retrieve data. Both devices are used for long term data storage. However, magnetic storage devices such as hard disk exists because of huge storage capacity and optical storage devices such as CD exists because of it’s portability feature.

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What is storage manager? Describe the components of storage manager. DBMS

What is storage manager? Describe the components of storage manager. DBMS

Storage Manager in a Database Management System in DBMS

The Storage Manager is a crucial component of a Database Management System (DBMS) that handles the storage, retrieval, and management of data on secondary storage devices. It acts as a bridge between the higher-level components of the DBMS, such as the query processor and transaction manager, and the physical storage media, typically disk drives.

At its core, the Storage Manager is responsible for efficiently organizing and managing the persistent storage of data. It provides an interface between the logical representation of data within the DBMS and the physical storage devices where the data resides. This involves translating high-level data operations and requests from the DBMS into low-level disk operations, ensuring that data is stored, retrieved, and managed reliably.

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