web analytics

How to make adsense ads responsive per screen size?

Yes, we can get responsive ad codes from adsense. But that will not fulfill the requirement for ad unit size per screen size. To make the adsense ads responsive per screen size we need to modify the code (allowed by google obviously) a bit. Reasons we need to do this can be like, In desktop view the ad appear as leaderboard, but in mobile it becomes a 300×250 square, what you might not want as you might want to show a similar horizontal sized ad in that place even in mobile view.

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10 Tips to Easily Get Approved by Google Adsense – 2016

Google Adsense is one of those advertising networks which consider publishers very carefully. Even after approval a publisher has to be really very careful as google adsense can ban their account at any moment for violating publishing policies. However, in this post we will be discussing few easy tips for preparing your website so that … Read more

How to experiment with ad units in google adsense.

Google adsense is my number 1 ad provider because of a lot of reasons like blocking inappropriate ad networks, blocking inappropriate ads, blocking low paying ad networks from serving ads,  customizing ad styles etc. and mostly this one. You can experiment with the ad units you use to publish ads. Experimenting ad units includes publishing … Read more