web analytics

30 web application security checklist

30 web application security checklist

Web application security refers to the practice of securing web-based applications from cyber threats and vulnerabilities. With the increasing reliance on web-based applications for business and personal use, ensuring the security of these applications has become essential. Web application security involves identifying potential security risks, implementing security measures such as firewalls, encryption, and access controls, and regularly testing and monitoring the applications for vulnerabilities. Failure to secure web applications can result in data breaches, loss of sensitive information, financial losses, and damage to a company’s reputation.

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Enable Disable Javascript Console Output easily for development and production

Web Developers use console to log debugging information from within the script primarily. Browser console is a great place and there are many available console methods to help a developer and also an end-user what’s going on in the script. A developer can output simple log messages for debugging to console along with warning, error … Read more

How to make adsense ads responsive per screen size?

Yes, we can get responsive ad codes from adsense. But that will not fulfill the requirement for ad unit size per screen size. To make the adsense ads responsive per screen size we need to modify the code (allowed by google obviously) a bit. Reasons we need to do this can be like, In desktop view the ad appear as leaderboard, but in mobile it becomes a 300×250 square, what you might not want as you might want to show a similar horizontal sized ad in that place even in mobile view.

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How to read and write INI files in PHP?

how to read and write ini files in php

INI Files

INI files are simple text files with a basic structure consisting of sections, property and value. The INI files can be used across different platform which is a great advantage as a single INI file can be used in various versions of the same application for various platforms.

INI files are used to store configurations for applications in a manner of property = value. Values can be single or one dimensional array. Also sections can be used to group same type of configurations. The last thing is comments, we can write comments in INI files. Comments in INI files starts with ; (semicolon)

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How to Save PHP Array in Database in PHP?

How to Save PHP Array in Database in PHP

We will see how we can store PHP array in database. We will store the php array in database and we get it back, as PHP array.

When we create management systems or applications such as CMS, we need to store a lot of configurations per user, per module etc. Multidimensional array is the best ever thing to work with in such situations. Configurations can be of two different types; searchable and non-searchable.

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