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How does pipelining improve CPU performance? What are the stages of the pipeline, and what challenges may arise in implementing pipelining?

Pipelining is a technique used in CPU design to improve performance by overlapping the execution of multiple instructions. It allows the CPU to process several instructions simultaneously, thereby increasing throughput and overall efficiency.

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What is information processing cycle? 4 phases of information processing cycle?

Information Processing Cycle: The task of computer, in low level, is to process given data to produce information. Computer takes data, then processes the data as per being instructed and then can either output the generated information to user or store the information to storage or can do both. The generated information can be treated … Read more

What is Software Specification Activity? Describe the four main phases of software specification activity?


Software Specification:

Software specification or requirements engineering is one of the four activities of software process. In software specification, the task is to identifying and defining the services to be provided from the system and what are the constraints in the operations of the system and in the development of the system. This stage, among the four activities of software process, is critical enough as this is the first stage of the process and defines the whole system. Missing or misunderstanding requirements, leaving gaps or errors will ultimately cause higher development cost, time and rework.  

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What is a process in operating system? What are the process states?

Operating systems (OS) play a crucial role in managing and coordinating various aspects of computer systems. One of the fundamental responsibilities of an operating system is process management, which involves creating, scheduling, and controlling processes. Process in Operating System A process can be thought as a program in execution, but a program by itself is … Read more