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3 Steps to connect to remote MySQL database using SQLyog instead of PHPMyAdmin through cpanel | MySQL GUI Tools

Connect to remote MySQL database using SQLyog instead of PHPMyAdmin through cpanel | MySQL GUI Tools

Welcome, readers! In today’s MySQL tutorial, we will explore remote database administration using SQLyog MySQL GUI tool. While PHPMyAdmin through cPanel is a commonly used method for managing MySQL databases, there may be instances where cPanel access is not available, but you have FTP and MySQL login details. In such cases, how can you connect to the database without accessing cPanel? Let’s find out!

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10 tips to speed up your website? Web page optimization tips

Hello everyone and welcome to this tutorial on “How to speed up your website? Web page optimization tips”. Whenever on internet it is basically desired to have things happening faster, right? But your website is not performing good enough? Well, here are 10 site optimization tips that will boost your website loading speed. Bored with the … Read more

How to download image from URL using PHP? 2 methods explained.

Hello everyone, welcome to this short tutorial on how to download image from URL and save it on your server using PHP. Method 1: $url_to_image = ‘http://oleaass.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/PHP.png’;$my_save_dir = ‘images/’;$filename = basename($url_to_image);$complete_save_loc = $my_save_dir . $filename;file_put_contents($complete_save_loc, file_get_contents($url_to_image)); To download image from URL here $url_to_image is the URL of the image you want to download and $my_save_dir is … Read more

Why and How to use static properties in PHP? OOP in PHP.

A static keyword is very important in object oriented programming. Static methods and properties play a vital role in application design and also in design patterns. So what are static methods and properties? In general, to access any properties or method of a class we first have to initialize an object of that class. Then … Read more

How to backup all databases at once in localhost windows WAMP server

Hello everyone, today with another short tutorial on MySQL and my ultimate MySQL GUI interface of choice, SQLYog. Sometimes, like after a clean windows install or HDD issue or virus/malware attack etc. we need to reinstall our WAMP server. In general our MySQL server also get reinstalled with WAMP and we lose all our databases … Read more

5 tips to speed up your website? These Web page optimization tips will give Sonic Boom

Hello everyone and welcome to this tutorial on “How to speed up your website? Web page optimization tips” PART 02. So, in my last post on website optimization, which is “10 tips to speed up your website? Web page optimization tips – Part 01“, I described 10 ways to speed up your website. If you have … Read more

Sort dependency list or Topological Sorting in PHP

Topological Sorting – Wkipedia In the field of computer science, a topological sort (sometimes abbreviated toposort) or topological ordering of a directed graph is a linear ordering of its vertices such that for every directed edge uv from vertex u to vertex v, u comes before v in the ordering. For instance, the vertices of … Read more

Why I would choose PhpStorm over Adobe Dreamweaver?

Okay, first of all guys, I have been using PHPStorm for the last project I am working on and its really awesome, but the following list awesomeness is obviously incomplete. Read More: 10 features your IDE (Integrated Development Environment) should haveThough Adobe Dreamweaver is also a great IDE for web based development, PHPStorm is beyond the … Read more