web analytics

30 web application security checklist

30 web application security checklist

Web application security refers to the practice of securing web-based applications from cyber threats and vulnerabilities. With the increasing reliance on web-based applications for business and personal use, ensuring the security of these applications has become essential. Web application security involves identifying potential security risks, implementing security measures such as firewalls, encryption, and access controls, and regularly testing and monitoring the applications for vulnerabilities. Failure to secure web applications can result in data breaches, loss of sensitive information, financial losses, and damage to a company’s reputation.

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10 Tips to Easily Get Approved by Google Adsense – 2016

Google Adsense is one of those advertising networks which consider publishers very carefully. Even after approval a publisher has to be really very careful as google adsense can ban their account at any moment for violating publishing policies. However, in this post we will be discussing few easy tips for preparing your website so that … Read more

Quick & easy Adsense reports and ads management with Google Publisher Toolbar.

Google adsense offers a number very helpful reports for publishers accessible from their dashboard in the reports section. But sometimes we might just need to know the amount we earned today, best performing channels or ad units, information about an ad currently displayed etc. and we might not want to load the whole adsense dashboard. … Read more

Improve adsense revenue with new Page-Level Ads for mobile browsers.

Google adsense is the leading online advertising network form websites, applications for windows, android etc., software, games and many more. Google adsense used to offer banner ads so far, but now it also offers Anchor/overlay and Vignette ads for mobile. These ads are really awesome to improve your adsense revenue.  What are page-level ads: Page-Level ads … Read more

Adsense is not only a CPC network anymore, but also CPM, Active View CPM, CPE.

Google’s online advertising network adsense is generally known to most of us as a CPC (Cost per Click) advertising network. That is, a publisher earns money only when users clicks on the ads s/he is publishing. Adsense is a renowned advertising network both to ad publisher and advertiser due to various reasons, mostly because its … Read more

10 tips to speed up your website? Web page optimization tips

Hello everyone and welcome to this tutorial on “How to speed up your website? Web page optimization tips”. Whenever on internet it is basically desired to have things happening faster, right? But your website is not performing good enough? Well, here are 10 site optimization tips that will boost your website loading speed. Bored with the … Read more