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What is meant by the statement #include?

#include<iostream>:This is a directive which causes the preprocessor to add the contents of iostream, which is a header file and must be added above all of a program where input/output statements has been used. We will include the header file with the statement                                                           #include <iostream> The iostream package automatically defines a variable (an … Read more

“POP provides emphasis on doing things, but OOP on the data”─ Do you agree with this statement? Justify your answer.

“POP provides emphasis on doing things, but OOP on the data” Yes, I agree with the given statement, “POP provides emphasis on doing things, but OOP on the data”. Justification of acceptance In the case of a large program created using the concept of Procedure Oriented Programming, sometimes we declare some Global Variables which will be used by … Read more

What is Procedural or Procedure Oriented Programming (POP)?

Procedural or Procedure Oriented Programming (POP) As the name implies, Procedure Oriented Programming contains step by step procedure to execute. Here, the problems get decomposed into small parts and then to solve each part one or more functions are used. Thus, in POP approach, the problem is viewed as a sequence of things to be … Read more

Describe the Incremental Software Process Model

Incremental Model: The incremental model combines elements of the linear sequential model with the iterative philosophy of prototyping. The incremental model applies linear sequences in a staggered fashion as calendar time progresses. Each linear sequence produces a deliverable “increment” of the software. In incremental model, the first increment is often a core product. Here the … Read more

What are the Umbrella Activities in Software Engineering?


Software engineering is a collection of co-related steps. These steps are presented or accessed in different approaches in different software process models. Umbrella activities are a set of steps or procedure that the software engineering team follows to maintain the progress, quality, change and risks of the overall development tasks. These steps of umbrella activities will evolve through the phases of generic view of software development.

Explain that “Software is developed or engineered, not manufactured”.


It is often said that Software is engineered or developed but not manufactured. Although some similarities exists between software development and hardware manufacturing, the two activities are fundamentally different. Software is a design of strategies, instruction which finally perform the designed, instructed tasks. And a design can only be developed, not manufactured. On the other hand, design is just a material of hardware.