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What are the various types of software?

Software, by definition, is a collection of computer programs, procedures and documentation that performs different tasks on a computer system. There are many types of software. This is increasing with the development of technology. Some of these types are described below.

Read More: What is software and what is software engineering?

Various Types of Software:

We discuss about various types of software below.

  1. System Software
  2. Programming Software
  3. Application Software
  4. Engineering/Scientific Software
  5. Embedded Software
  6. Product-Line Software
  7. Web Application Software
  8. Artificial Intelligence Software

Lets get in to the detail of these above mentioned types.

System Software: 

This type of software helps in running the computer hardware. System software is a collection of operating systems, device drivers, servers, windowing systems and utilities. Most importantly, system software is the communicator between user and hardware.

Programming Software: 

This type of software come in forms of tools that assist a programmer in writing computer programs. Computer programs are sets of logical instructions. Computer programs make a computer system perform certain tasks. The tools include text editors, compilers and interpreters.

Application Software: 

This type of software consists of standalone programs that solve a specific business need. Business software, databases and educational software are some forms of application software. Different word processors, which are dedicated for specialized tasks to be performed by the user, are other examples of application software.

Engineering / Scientific Software: 

This type of software ranges from astronomy to volcanology, from automotive stress analysis to space shuttle orbital dynamics and from molecular biology to automated manufacturing. This software is used in various aspects of engineering examination, scientific experiments and calculations etc.

Embedded Software: 

This type of software resides within a product to perform some specific tasks. For example, the button control pad of microwave oven, the display controller, fuel controller of an automobile, secure gate pass of an elevator or lift etc.

Product-line Software: 

Type of software that are designed to use by many different customers. Product-line software can focus on a limited marketplace such as inventory control products. In addition to that, it can also address mass consumer markets such as word processing, spreadsheets, graphics etc.

Web Applications: 

This type of software are online software. These software work through web sites mainly and can be accessed and used remotely. Therefore, it enables portability. In addition to providing standalone features, these types of software also integrates with corporate databases and business applications.

Artificial Intelligence Software: 

This type of software makes use of nonnumerical algorithms to solve complex problems that are amenable to computation or straightforward analysis. Application within this area includes robotics, expert systems, pattern recognition, game playing etc.

Read Next: Explain that “Software is engineered or developed, not manufactured”.

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