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Differences between OOP and POP?

Object Oriented Programming

Object Oriented Programming is programming concept which is focused on object rather than actions and data rather than logic. 

Read More: What is Object Oriented Programming (OOP)?

Procedure Oriented Programming

As the name implies, Procedure Oriented Programming contains step by step procedure to execute. Here, the problems get decomposed into small parts and then to solve each part one or more functions are used. 

Read More: What is Procedural or Procedure Oriented Programming (POP)?

Differences between OOP and POP

OOP and POP differ in many ways from each other including the followings,

Subject of DifferenceProcedure Oriented Programming (POP)No.Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
Problem decompositionDecompose the main problem in small parts called functions.01Decompose the main problem in small parts called objects.
Connections of partsConnects small parts of the program by passing parameters & using operating system.02Connects small parts of the program by passing messages.
EmphasizingEmphasizes on functions.03Emphasizes on data.
Use of dataIn large programs, most functions use global data.04Each object controls data under it.
Passing of dataData may get passed from one function to another.05Data never get passed from one object to another.
Security of dataAppropriate & effective techniques are unavailable to secure the data.06Data stay secured as no external function can use data of an object.
Modification of programModification of a completed program is very difficult and it may affect the whole program.07Modifications are easy as objects stay independent to declare and define.
Designing approachEmploys top-down approach for designing programs.08Employs bottom-up approach for designing.
Data identificationIn large programs, it is very difficult to find what data has been used by which function.09As data and functions stay close, it is easy to identify data.
Used languagesLanguages like C, FORTRAN, COBOL etc. use POP.10Languages like C++, JAVA etc. use OOP.
Differences between Object Oriented Programming and Procedure Oriented Programming

Read More: 

  1. What are the basic features of OOP?
  2. What are the main characteristics of POP?
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