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Explain Different Types of Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) With Suitable Examples

Cascading Style Sheet (CSS): CSS is used with HTML to define styles for different HTML elements or set of HTML elements. As its name includes, a primary thing about CSS is that it cascades. Developer can define one style for all the elements and then override that style for a one or specific element. For … Read more

What are peripheral devices? What are the types of peripheral devices? Give Example.

Peripheral Device: Those devices which are not required or essential for a computer system to boot and run are called peripheral devices. A computer system has four categories of computer hardware among which mostly all I/O devices are peripheral devices. Though there are other devices which are both input and output devices and most of … Read more

What is malware? Describe any 5 types of computer malware with an example.

Malware Malicious Software or Malware is any piece of software that disrupts computer operation, steal information, gain access to private systems or display unwanted advertising. Malware causes intentional harm, direct or indirect, to the computer by damaging files etc. or to the user by stealing sensitive information of the user from the computer etc. A … Read more

How to backup all databases at once in localhost windows WAMP server

Hello everyone, today with another short tutorial on MySQL and my ultimate MySQL GUI interface of choice, SQLYog. Sometimes, like after a clean windows install or HDD issue or virus/malware attack etc. we need to reinstall our WAMP server. In general our MySQL server also get reinstalled with WAMP and we lose all our databases … Read more

What are undamped free vibrations, damped free vibrations and forced vibrations?

Undamped free vibrations:  When a bob of a simple pendulum (in vacuum) is displaced from its mean position and left, it executes simple harmonic motions. The pendulum will continue to oscillate with the same time period and amplitude for any length of time. In such cases there is no loss of energy by friction or … Read more

Define Domain name with example. Write down the name of the top level domains with their purposes.

Domain name: Computers on the net has unique IP addresses. These addresses contain numbers which are very difficult to remember for us. That’s why, to make it easy to remember they are replaced by alias which are called domain name. These domain names are also unique for each computer. Example : funny.comedian-action.com             Here, .com is the top … Read more

3 Differences between entry and exit controlled loops with examples. Entry controlled loops VS Exit controlled loops

The differences between the entry and exit controlled loops are as follows.Read More: What are the entry controlled and exit controlled loops? No. Topics Entry controlled loops Exit controlled loops 01 Test condition Test condition appears at the beginning. Test condition appears at the end. 02 Control variable Control variable is counter variable. Control variable is … Read more

What is parameterized constructor? Give an example.

Parameterized Constructor: We know that when we create an object the constructor function gets execution automatically. Consider the following lines of codes, constructor(){ //this is the constructor function a=1; //initializing }void main(){ constructor ob1,ob2; } When this executed the value of ‘a’ for both ob1 and ob2 sets to 1. But when we want different … Read more