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What are the characteristics of C programming language?

characteristics of c programming language

In the 1970s, Dennis Ritchie Invented C programming language using Unix Operating system. C is being a high-level programming language. It is also called high-level structured programming language.

Read More: Write down briefly the history and importance of C language.

C language is one of the most popular computer languages today because it is a structured, high level, machine independent language. It allows software developers to develop software without worrying about the hardware platforms where they will be implemented.

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What are user defined functions? What are the elements of user defined functions?


User defined functions

Functions are blocks of codes to perform specific tasks and return the result. However it is not mandatory for a function to return something. Also a function can perform more than a single task. User defined functions are basic building blocks of a program and can be found in the basic structure of C program.

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What are the counter and sentinel controlled loops?


Based on the nature of the control variable and the condition or limit, the loops can be of two general categories; counter controlled and sentinel controlled loops. Counter controlled loops are where we know the number of loop executions beforehand. Unlike counter controlled loops, in sentinel controlled loops the number of loop executions in unknow at the beginning and depends on decisions made inside the loop.

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