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C++ Program (Source Code) for Round Robin (RR) CPU Scheduling Algorithm

Round Robin (RR): In operating systems, tasks that are queued to be processed go through different scheduling algorithms in different operating systems. Round Robing or RR is one of them. In round robin, like first come first served, the job or task that comes first, gets processed first, but not fully. Rather in round robin, … Read more

C++ Program (Source Code) for Preemptive Shortest Job First (SJF) CPU Scheduling Algorithm

Shortest Job First: In operating systems, tasks that are queued to be processed go through different scheduling algorithms in different operating systems. Shortest Job First or SJF is one of them. In shortest job first, literary, the smallest task among all the remaining tasks will get processed first. However, I explained Shortest Job First (SJF) … Read more

C++ Program (Source Code) for First Come First Served (FCFS) CPU Scheduling Algorithm

First Come First Served (FCFS):  In operating systems, tasks that are queued to be processed go through different scheduling algorithms in different operating systems. First Come First Served or FCFS is one of them. In first come first served, literary, the task that comes first to be processed gets processed first, then the next one … Read more

What are memory mapped I/O and isolated I/O? What are differences between memory mapped I/O and isolated I/O?

Memory Mapped I/O and Isolated I/O are two methods of performing input-output operations between CPU and installed peripherals in the system.  Memory Mapped I/O: Memory mapped I/O uses the same address bus to connect both primary memory and memory of hardware devices (registers). Memory and registers of I/O devices gets assigned values, thus when CPU … Read more

3 Differences between time sharing and real time systems

Q. What are time sharing and real time systems? What are the differences between time sharing and real time systems? Time-Sharing Systems: Time sharing operating systems are extension of multi-programmed batched operating system and the extension is that here the user can interact with the program running. The CPU scheduling algorithm and allocate small amount … Read more

2 differences between time sharing and multi-programmed batched systems?

Q. What are time sharing and multi-programmed batched systems? What are the differences between time sharing and multi-programmed batched systems? Time-Sharing Systems: Time sharing operating systems are extension of multi-programmed batched operating system and the extension is that here the user can interact with the program running. The CPU scheduling algorithm and allocate small amount … Read more

2 Differences between parallel and multi-programmed batched systems

Q. What are parallel and multi-programmed batched systems? What are the differences between parallel and multi-programmed batched systems? Multi-programmed Batched Systems: In multi-programmed batched operating systems, the operating system reads jobs from disk drives where a list of jobs are already being stored through card readers. The operating system then pull and store as much … Read more

4 Differences between simple batch and multi-programmed batched operating systems

Q. What are simple batch and multi-programmed batched operating systems? What are differences between simple batch and multi-programmed batched operating systems? Simple Batch Systems: Early computers used to take one job at a time, no input in the middle of the process and also no output either. The jobs were prepared commands for the computer to … Read more

What are the categories of risks in software engineering? Explain the process of risk management.


Risk Management:

Risk management is a series of steps that help a software team to understand and manage uncertainty. It’s a really good idea to identify it, assess its probability of occurrence, estimate its impact, and establish a contingency plan that─ ‘should the problem actually occur’. Risk management is a part of umbrella activities.   Simplistically, you can think of a risk as something that you’d prefer not to have happen. Risks may threaten the project, the software that is being developed or the organization.   

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What are the different generations of computer? Explain

Computer systems reached today’s modern age step by step, these steps are called generations. In each generation computers with new features and functions starts to get the market and the older computers slowly gets replaced. IBM company started categorize the development of computers into generations, though not everyone in the industry including users will be agree on the periods of each generation. However, based on the use of electronic devices, computers systems can be categorized into following generations so far.  

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