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3 Differences between time sharing and real time systems

Q. What are time sharing and real time systems? What are the differences between time sharing and real time systems?

Time-Sharing Systems:

Time sharing operating systems are extension of multi-programmed batched operating system and the extension is that here the user can interact with the program running. The CPU scheduling algorithm and allocate small amount time to each job at once and then move on to the next job. Thus the user can get output from the program and can input another command and wait for the output. Keyboard is used to input command and monitors are for output. A time sharing operating system allows many user to use the same computer at the same time such as every user is using his own computer. This is achieved by frequently switching from one program to another and satisfying users with an output from the program before switching to the next one.

3 Differences between time sharing and real time systems

Real Time Systems:

Real time systems are special purpose systems where there are rigid time requirement on the operation of a processor or the flow of data and thus is often used as a control device in a dedicated application. Real time systems depends on data from sensors, then process it and through output before the time constraints. Real time operating systems has well defined, fixed time constraints. Processing must be done within the given time constraints or the system fails. Two types of real time systems can be seen; such as hard real-time systems and soft real-time systems.

3 Differences Between Time Sharing Systems and Real Time Systems:

Time Sharing Systems
Real Time Systems
This system works for the same or less time on each processes.
Real time systems works under fixed time constraints.
This system uses FCFS (First Come First Served) but do not complete a process at once, but a portion of it.
This system uses Priority Scheduling.
Users can share resources.
Resources remain dedicated for a user for a fixed amount of time and can be reassigned to another user after that time.
Example: Time sharing systems are required in online file systems.
Example: Real time systems are required in airlines ticket booking systems.

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