Data transmission speed is the rate of transferring data from source to destination. It is also referred as Bandwidth. Unit of bandwidth is Bit Per Second or bps. This is also called Band speed, which is the number of bits transmitted in a second is bps or Bandwidth. There are 3 types of Bands which are as follows
Tanmay Chakrabarty
Write short note on Bus topology with advantages and disadvantages
Bus Topology
Unlike star topology or mesh topology, a bus topology is a multi-point connection between the nodes or devices on the network. A long cable works as backbone of the network. All the different nodes in the network connects at different points on the main cable. A connection point in the main cable for a node or device is the nearest point for the node.
Write short note on Star Topology with advantages and disadvantages
Star Topology
Star topology is one of the four basic topologies of network communication. In this topology, all network devices connects to a controller or hub. This controller or hub enables communication among the network devices. Devices does not connect directly to each other as in Mesh topology. Each device sends data to another device through this hub. And when the hub receives a message, it relays the message to its destination device. As all nodes or devices connects a point, it is called an star topology.
Write short note on Mesh Topology with advantages and disadvantages
Mesh Topology:
Mesh topology is one of the four basic topologies of network communication. This is a point-to-point connection. That means, each devices in the network connects to each other device directly. Mesh topology offers speedy connection between devices due to dedicated communication channel.
What are the 2 types of connection in network systems?
A network system enables data communication between 2 or more devices. Communication links or channels connects these devices. There can 2 types of connection possible; point-to-point and multipoint connection. Both of these connections has their advantages and disadvantages and use cases.
How to setup an ads.txt file in blogger blog for google adsense?
Yesterday when I logged in to google adsense I saw a notice in red color as follows, Earnings at risk – You need to fix some ads.txt file issues to avoid severe impact to your revenue. It doesn’t matter how much or little I earn from my blogs but what matter is that I do … Read more
Explain the Importance of XML in Web Applications.
XML (Extensible Markup Language):
Extensible Markup Language or XML is a structure, tag-based language. Primary use of XML is in transferring data. Information in XML are both human and machine readable. Like HTML, tags and attributes, also present in XML but in a slightly stricter way than HTML. Unlike HTML, user or developer can create his/her own tags in XML. That is why it is called EXTENSIBLE.
Explain Different Types of Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) With Suitable Examples
Cascading Style Sheet (CSS): CSS is used with HTML to define styles for different HTML elements or set of HTML elements. As its name includes, a primary thing about CSS is that it cascades. Developer can define one style for all the elements and then override that style for a one or specific element. For … Read more
Describe Different Types of Viruses.
Computer Virus:
A computer virus is a parasitic program that infects other legitimate programs, which are sometime referred as hosts. To infect the host program, the virus modifies the host to store a copy of the virus. After infection, viruses make various damages to the system which may be low to high to critical.
Free PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript editor – CodeLobster IDE
In this article, we suggest you to get acquainted with the free editor of web languages – CodeLobster IDE. It is presented on the software market for a long time already, and it wins a lot of fans. CodeLobster IDE allows you to edit PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript files, it highlights the syntax and … Read more