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Author name: Tanmay Chakrabarty

Tanmay Chakrabarty is a professional web application developer working professionally for 7+ years with experience in both local and global projects. He likes to share helpful contents such as Q/A, development tutorial etc. on this blog.

What are the different types of data transmission speed or bandwidth?

Data transmission speed is the rate of transferring data from source to destination. It is also referred as Bandwidth. Unit of bandwidth is Bit Per Second or bps. This is also called Band speed, which is the number of bits transmitted in a second is bps or Bandwidth. There are 3 types of Bands which …

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Write short note on Bus topology with advantages and disadvantages

Unlike star or mesh topology, a bus topology is a multi-point connection between the nodes or devices on the network. A long cable works as backbone of the network. All the different nodes in the network connects at different points on the main cable. A connection point in the main cable for a node or device is the nearest point for the node.

Explain the Importance of XML in Web Applications.

Extensible Markup Language or XML is a structure, tag-based language which is primarily user for transferring data. Information in XML are both human and machine readable. Tags and attributes, as in HTML is also used in XML but in a slightly stricter way than HTML. Beside that, user or developer can create his/her own tags in XML which can not be done HTML, and that is why it is called EXTENSIBLE.

Explain Different Types of Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) With Suitable Examples

Cascading Style Sheet (CSS): CSS is used with HTML to define styles for different HTML elements or set of HTML elements. As its name includes, a primary thing about CSS is that it cascades. Developer can define one style for all the elements and then override that style for a one or specific element. For …

Explain Different Types of Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) With Suitable Examples Read More »

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