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How Does a CPU Contribute to the Overall Functionality of a Computer?

The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is often referred to as the “brain” of a computer. It plays a pivotal role in the overall functionality of a computer system, serving as the core component responsible for executing instructions, processing data, and coordinating various hardware and software components. The functions of CPU in overall functionality of a …

How Does a CPU Contribute to the Overall Functionality of a Computer? Read More »

What is Microprocessor? What are the functions of microprocessor?

A type of computer processors that incorporates the functions of a computer’s center processing unit (CPU) onto a single integrated circuit is called a microprocessor. A microprocessor is a VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) Silicon Chip. Microprocessor accepts digital or binary data, processes it according to instructions stored in it’s memory and provides results as output.

Describe the internal architecture of Intel 8086 microprocessor. What are 15 features of 8086 microprocessor? What are units and registers of 8086 microprocessor?

The Intel 8086, also called the iAPX 86, is a 16-bit microprocessor designed by Intel corporation between 1976-1978. This Intel 8086 microprocessor gave rise to the x86 architecture or 16-bit architecture. The figure given below is the internal architecture of Intel 8086 microprocessor

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