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7 Differences Between System Software and Application Software

A system, such as: a computer, mobile or device like microwave oven, must need software to function. A software is a set of coded instruction for the system to execute in order to have it’s hardware parts performing actions. However, software is primarily of two types, system software and application software. System Software: Software that … Read more

Broadly discuss the measurements of price elasticity of demand.

Measurement of Price Elasticity of Demand:  There are 5 different measurements of Price Elasticity of Demand. They are as follows: Perfectly Inelastic Demand (Elasticity = 0) Perfectly Elastic Demand (Elasticity = Infinity) Unit Elasticity of Demand (Elasticity = 1) Relatively Inelastic Demand (Elasticity < 1) Relatively Elastic Demand (Elasticity > 1) These measurements has been … Read more

What is optical activity?

Optical activity Optical activity is the ability of a substance to rotate the plane of polarization of plane polarized light. Substances which have this ability are called optically active substance. Tartaric acid is an example of optically active liquid. Explanation When a polarizer and analyzer are crossed, no light emerges out of the analyzer. When … Read more

What is connecting device? Describe 4 connecting devices.

Connecting Devices:  Devices that are used to connect other devices are called connecting devices. That is, connecting device is a device that connects. There are 4 types of connecting devices. They are as follows, i. Repeater:  A repeater is a device that receives signals and before it become too weak or corrupted the repeater regenerates … Read more

What is computer threat? Describe 6 computer threats.

Computer Threats: A threat, in general, is a person or a thing likely to cause damage or danger. In computer security, a computer threat is a possible danger that might exploit vulnerability to breach security and therefore cause possible harm. A computer threat is any activity that can cause damage to private or any data … Read more

What are the 6 steps followed by CPU in computer to Execute an Instruction?

CPU (Central Processing Unit) CPU or central processing unit in computer is an electronic circuitry that carries out the instruction given by a computer program. CPU in computer execute instruction by performing basic arithmetic, logical, control and I/O operations as required per instruction. CPU in computer is considered to be the brain of the computer. … Read more

Define Instruction Set Architecture. What are the main objectives of ISA in computer systems.

Instruction Set Architecture (ISA): An instruction set is the interface between a computer’s software and its hardware, and thereby enables the independent development of these two computing realms. ISA is the set of basic instructions that a processor understands. ISA includes functional definition of operations, modes, and storage locations supported by hardware and precise description of … Read more

What are CISC & RISC? What are differences between CISC and RISC?

The instruction set or the instruction set architecture (ISA) is the set of basic instructions that a processor understands. The instruction set is a portion of what makes up an architecture. Read More: Define Instruction Set Architecture. What are the main objectives of ISA in computer systems. Two initial types of instruction set architecture are … Read more