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How can we interface the microprocessor with analog world? Explain with necessary figure.

Interfacing the Microprocessor with Analog World: As computer used digital binary values whereas we have physical variables, a step by step process is used to convert the physical variable to binary data and again to physical variable. The figure is given below,             (i) Transducer: A transducer is a device that … Read more

Draw the pin-out diagram of 82C55A PPI. How many modes you can select on 82C55A PPI? Explain.

Pin-Out Diagram of 82C55A: I/O Ports: It has three I/O ports, A, B and C. Each of these has 8 pins.             CS : This is used to select the 82C55A for programming and reading or writing.             A0 & A1: Register selection is done using the A0 and A1, which select … Read more

Write the differences between Isolated I/O and Memory Mapped I/O.

Memory Mapped I/O and Isolated I/O are two methods of performing input-output operations between CPU and installed peripherals in the system. Memory mapped I/O uses the same address bus to connect both primary memory and memory of hardware devices. Thus the instruction to address a section or portion or segment of RAM can also be used to address … Read more

Describe the Working Principles of Intel 8086 microprocessor.

Working Principles of Intel 8086 Microprocessor Execution of instructions can be used to explain the working principles of the microprocessor. This is given below, The BIU outputs the contents of the instruction pointer register (IP) onto the address bus, causing the selected byte or word to be read into the BIU. Register IP is incremented by … Read more

What are the Purposes of Flag Registers of 8086 Processor

Flag Registers of 8086 Processor:  Intel 8086 has 16 flag registers among which 9 are active. The purposes of the FLAG registers are to indicate the various statuses of the processor. It is done by setting the individual bits called flags. There are two kinds of FLAGS; Status FLAG and Control FLAG. Status FLAG reflect … Read more

Write short notes on general purpose registers (AX,BX,CX,DX,SP,BP,SI,DI) and ALU in Intel 8086 microprocessor


In computer architecture, a processor register is a quickly accessible location available to a computer’s central processing unit (CPU). Registers usually consist of a small amount of fast storage, although some registers have specific hardware functions, and may be read-only or write-only. Registers are normally measured by the number of bits they can hold, for example, an “8-bit register”, “32-bit register” or a “64-bit register” (or even with more bits).

Describe the internal architecture of Intel 8086 microprocessor. What are 15 features of 8086 microprocessor? What are units and registers of 8086 microprocessor?


The Intel 8086, also called the iAPX 86, is a 16-bit microprocessor designed by Intel corporation between 1976-1978. This Intel 8086 microprocessor gave rise to the x86 architecture or 16-bit architecture. The figure given below is the internal architecture of Intel 8086 microprocessor