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Change Start Menu Background to Desktop Background

Hello everyone, this is Tanmay Chakrabarty and welcome to this tutorial.

Alright, you can set your desktop background as the background image of the fancy start menu of Windows 8.1. You can do this in two different ways.

Bored with text? Watch this video tutorial to learn how to change the Start Menu background to Desktop Backgrounds

Method 1:

  1. Right click on taskbar
  2. Select “Properties”
  3. Under the “Navigation” tab in the “Start Screen” group box check the “Show my desktop background on Start” checkbox.
  4. You are done.

Method 2: If you are like a keyboard-freak like me then follow

  1. Go to the start screen by using the windows logo key or by clicking the start button
  2. Begin typing “Start ”
  3. Select “Change the background and colors on start”
  4. Select your desktop wallpaper from the given images which generally the last suggested image.
  5. Ok, you are done.

However you can play with colors if you want to see the differences.

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