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What are the fundamentals of database management systems and SQL?

What are the fundamentals of database management systems and SQL?

Fundamentals of Database Management Systems (DBMS) and SQL

Database Management Systems (DBMS) and Structured Query Language (SQL) are essential components of modern data storage, retrieval, and management. DBMS provides a framework for creating, organizing, and manipulating databases, while SQL is a standard language used to interact with DBMS and perform various operations. Understanding the fundamentals of DBMS and SQL is crucial for effective data management and retrieval. Let’s explore the key concepts and principles:

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What is database? What are the 12 advantages of using database?

what is database what are 12 advantages of using database


The word data means data and the word base means collection. A database is a collection of data. A database is a collection of interrelated data tables or files. In this age of information and communication technology, every organization stores all its data in the database of that organization.

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What is RDBMS? What are the 10 characteristics of RDBMS? What are the 10 usages of RDBMS?

rdbms definition characteristics usage


A database management system is a software consisting of several programs. That is, the software that uses the database management system to store the records in different tables / files and through querying the relationship between multiple databases is called relational database management system. It consists of several interrelated files. This management system is used for database creation, control, maintenance etc.

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Who is Database administrator? Write some functions of DBA in DBMS

Database Administrator: One of the main reasons behind using DBMS is to have central control on both data and the applications access those data. The person who has such central control over the data is called a database administrator (DBA). Some of the functions of DBA are given below, Schema Definition: The DBA creates the … Read more

Describe different types of database users and their interfaces. DBMS

There are about 4 different types of database users differentiated by their way of interaction with the database system. Brief description has been given below, Naive Users: This type of users generally interacts with the system through previously created programs. Such as, a user may use the system to transfer some balance from one account … Read more

What is transaction? What is Transaction Management? DBMS

Transaction: A transaction is a collection of operations that performs a single logical function in a database application. Such as, when we want to add BDT 500 to account A and subtract BDT 500 from account B, that will be a transaction.  Transaction Management: Transaction is a unit of both atomicity and consistency. Thus it … Read more

Briefly describe the two-tier and three-tier architecture. DBMS

Two-tier Architecture: In the two-tier architecture, the application is partitioned into a component that resides at the client machine and calls the database system functionality at the server machine using query language statements. Application program interface standards like ODBC and JDBC are used for interaction between the client and the server.  Three-tier Architecture: In three-tier … Read more

Describe the components of the query processor. DBMS

Query Processor: As query is very much necessary to find out only the data user need from tons of data of the database, query processor is very important to process these query requests. Query processors come with the following components, DDL Interpreter: It interprets the DDL statements and records the definitions in data dictionary.  DML … Read more