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Describe different types of database users and their interfaces. DBMS

There are about 4 different types of database users differentiated by their way of interaction with the database system. Brief description has been given below,

  1. Naive Users: This type of users generally interacts with the system through previously created programs. Such as, a user may use the system to transfer some balance from one account to another. This will be done a program, like ‘Transfer’. The user will only fill some required fields of the program like the balance, the accounts etc. The typical interfaces for these users are forms including some required fields to be filled. 
  2. Application Programmers: Application programmers are computer professionals. They develop user interfaces. Rapid Application Development (RAD) is a tool that enables them to construct forms and reports with minimal programming effort. 
  3. Sophisticated Users: Sophisticated users form their requests in a database query language and submit them to a query processor to make the storage manager understand the requests. Analysts who submit queries to explore data in the database fall in this category.
  4. Specialized Users: Specialized users are sophisticated users who write specialized database application that does not fit into the traditional data-processing framework. Among these applications are computer aided-design systems, knowledge-base and expert systems etc. 
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