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What is software process? What are the 4 activities of software process framework?

Software Process:  Software Process is a set of required activities and the outcome of the activities with a target to produce a software product. A software process is a flowchart of developing a software product, which includes fathering requirements, analyzing those requirements, scheduling development phases, checking the developments, implementing changes etc. and this can be … Read more

What are the types of software products?

Types of Software Product: Based on how and why the software products are being developed, software products can be of the following two types Generic Software Products Software products which were developed with the target to sell them to customer eligible to buy with no customization for any specific customer are called generic software products. … Read more

What are the conditions for deadlock situation to occur?

Deadlock In a system, deadlock situations are moments when processes never finish executing and system resources are tied up, which ultimately prevents other processes from ever starting. Dead lock situations are obviously undesirable, however they occur in systems while the following conditions take place simultaneously. These conditions are not completely independent, that is, all four … Read more

Briefly explain the formation of dimmers and trimmers.

Some compounds like hydrogen fluorides, ethanoic acids, benzoic acid form dimmers or trimmers by joining up of their two or three molecules by H-bonding. Sometime, due to the formation of these dimmers or trimmers the molecular weight of these compounds appears to be doubled or tripled. That is, ethanoic acid has molecular weight of 60, … Read more

What is a process in operating system? What are the process states?

Operating systems (OS) play a crucial role in managing and coordinating various aspects of computer systems. One of the fundamental responsibilities of an operating system is process management, which involves creating, scheduling, and controlling processes. Process in Operating System A process can be thought as a program in execution, but a program by itself is … Read more

4 Key Reasons for building Distributed Systems.

Q. What are the reasons for building distributed systems? Distributed Systems:  Distributed Systems (also loosely coupled systems) are also multiprocessor systems but they will not be sharing clock, memory etc. and will be communicating with each other with high speed buses, telephone lines etc. Processors in distributed systems may vary in size and function and … Read more