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Describe the general properties of nucleus.

General Properties of Nucleus: (i) Nuclear Size: From Rutherford’s work, the mean radius of nucleus is  and the radius of the atom is . Thus the radius of the nucleus is 10,000 times smaller than the radius of the atom. The empirical formula for the nuclear radius is, Here, A is the mass number,  is a constant. From … Read more

Derive the de Broglie wavelength for a charged particle of charge q and accelerated through a potential difference of V volts.

The Required de Broglie Wavelength: A photon of light of frequency  has the momentum, But, . Therefore, the momentum of the photon can be expressed in terms of wavelength λ as, The wavelength of a photon is, therefore, specified by its momentum according to the relation, de Broglie suggested that the above equation is applicable for any … Read more

Derive the Einstein’s photoelectric equation.

Einstein’s Photoelectric Equation :  According to Einstein, light of frequency  consists of a shower of photons, is of energy . When a photon of light of frequency  is incident on a metal, a part of the energy acquired by the electron is used to pull out the electron from the surface of the metal and the rest of … Read more

What do you mean by electric flux or flux of the electric field?

Electric Flux For an arbitrary closed surface, the net outward flow or flux is the product of the average outdrawn normal component of the vector and the area of surface. Electric flux is used to express the relation between  and its source. Flux is denoted by   = (average normal component)×(surface area) The unit of electric flux … Read more

What is flux?

Flux If  is a vector field, then the flux through any face is defined as the scalar product of the vector area of the face and the vector . That is, Flux = (component of velocity normal to the face) × (area of the face)          The amount of flux per unit area is … Read more

What is electric charge?

Electric Charge The reason present in a material causes static electricity, electric field in the material and the material become able to attract other materials is called electric charge. It may be positive or negative. Unit of electric charge is coulomb (C).

What are dextrorotatory and laevorotatory substances?

Dextrorotatory and laevorotatory substances are optically active substances. Dextrorotatory  substances Substances which rotate the plane of polarization of the light towards the right are known as dextrorotatory substances. Laevorotatory substances Substances which rotate the plane of polarization of the light towards the left are known as laevorotatory substances.

What is optical activity?

Optical activity Optical activity is the ability of a substance to rotate the plane of polarization of plane polarized light. Substances which have this ability are called optically active substance. Tartaric acid is an example of optically active liquid. Explanation When a polarizer and analyzer are crossed, no light emerges out of the analyzer. When … Read more