An organization’s management generally includes one or more levels depending on the size of the organization and it’s managing areas. Different types of information systems are required for different purposes of these levels. However, information systems can be categorized as follows,
Day: May 18, 2016
What are the roles of computer in Information System?
Roles of Computer in Information Systems
Information systems are in use from an ancient time. With the development of computing technology, computers became an important part of today’s modern information systems which satisfies speed, dependability etc.
What is information systems? What are the components or resources of information systems?
Information Systems Definition
Systems that collect, verify, store, process, report and update data to output valuable and useful information are called information systems. Information systems are being used from ancient time period. With the development of computing technologies and it’s uses, modern information systems are computer based information systems which can process billions of data to output desired information in seconds or minutes. Various types of computer based information systems are available.