In the 1970s, Dennis Ritchie Invented C programming language using Unix Operating system. C is being a high-level programming language. It is also called high-level structured programming language.
Read More: Write down briefly the history and importance of C language.
C language is one of the most popular computer languages today because it is a structured, high level, machine independent language. It allows software developers to develop software without worrying about the hardware platforms where they will be implemented.
Characteristics of C Language
- C programming language starts with a function main( ). A program may not contain more than one main( ) function. Each program will start from this function.
- Statements inside functions must be enclosed in second braces { } . Started parentheses must end.
- A semicolon (;) must be placed at the end of each statement.
- Each variable must specify its data type before using it.
- Header files shall be included using #include
- Comments within the program must be enclosed between /* and */ symbols.
- C language has ample library functions, branching statements and control statements.
- C has a sufficient number of compound operators, such as: + =, − =, *= etc.
- Programs in C are written in lowercase letters, but Symbolic name and output strings are usually written in uppercase letters.
- Programs written in C language can be used from one computer to another very easily, because it is hardware independent.