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5 Key Functions of Operating System

Q. What are the functions of operating system?

Functions of Operating Systems: 

Operating system’s size, organization and scope of operating vastly depends on the size, organization and use of various computer system. Obviously not all operating systems can be used on all systems. Functions of an operating system are always targeted to meet the needs. Some operating systems are designed to give more flexibility to users, some gives more priority to performance and security and some are designed to be operated by other operating systems, not humans. 
However, following are some general functions of operating systems

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5 Key Functions of Operating System

1. User Interface:

User interface is such a part of an operating system that creates a platform for users and other applications running on the operating systems to communicate with each other. User interface of an operating system facilitates the user to control other software and provides ease of use. User interface can be of 3 main types; command controlled, menu driven and graphical user interface.

2. Resource Management: 

Devices connected to a computer system, such as memory, storage, I/O devices etc. are called resources of the computer. Operating system controls these resources and enables efficient use of available resources so that the system never runs out of its resources. Operating system not only controls these resources but also detect malfunctioning of the resources, checks status and connects resources to each other.

3. Task Management:

The task management program of any operating system takes instruction, analyze it and processes it. Task management uses the power of computer processor and distributes it to various tasks, controls interrupts.

4. File Management:

Operating system manages files on the computer, such as creating, deleting, accessing, coping, moving, storing files etc. It also manipulate data and programs such as, sending and receiving data, moving and storing data etc.

5. Utilities: 

Operating system provides various utilities to the user and other programs such as defragmenting files, data compression, data backup and recovery, anti-virus utilities etc.
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