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What are the 10 characteristics of computer?

10 Characteristics of Computer

Computer became very popular and more important part, unavoidable device of today’s world because of its characteristic like correct and dependable outputs, high speed, accuracy etc.

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1. High Speed

Computer devices, now a days, works at an amazing speed that we can’t even imagine of. It works so fast as it works using electric signals which run like light-speed. Computers can do billions of calculations in a second. If the smallest unit of time for humans is a second, computers work by the followings        

a) 1 millisecond = 10-3 or 1/1000 seconds      
b) 1 microsecond = 10-6 or 1/1000000 seconds      
c) 1 nanosecond = 10-9 or 1/1000000000 seconds      
d) 1 picosecond = 10-12 or 1/1000000000000 seconds  

2. Reliability

Though computers work this fast, they still provide reliable outputs. Today’s technology enables computers to execute billions of tasks in seconds. However, to get correct output, the input has to be correct too. Output from a computer is so reliable that if the output is unexpected then it is called, “Garbage in, Garbage out”.

Read More: Compare between the working procedure of a computer and a human being

3. Accuracy 

Computers can perform floating point operation to so many decimal points that the accuracy is beyond expected.  

4. Diligence

As computer is a machine, not a living being, it never gets tired. Simply, it can also keep repeating the same task as many times as it is asked too.  

5. Storage

Computer comes with high storage facility to storage to store almost any amount of data in it. Not only that, most computer comes with expandable storage facility along with external storage. Computer is so fast that it also takes unnoticeable time to find the data user need from this huge storage

6. Memory

While computer has storage to store user’s data (mostly), it also comes with memory (both volatile and non-volatile) which is used by the computer itself to work fast. Memory devices are expensive than storage, thus though a computer, these days, can work with nearly 256 GB of memories, most computers come with 8 GB to 16 GB of RAM (volatile memory) or Primary Memory. Computer also includes ROM (non-volatile), and Cache memories of different levels and register memories. Among these, mostly the RAM is expandable.

Read More: 8 Differences between Memory and Storage devices

7. No Logical Decision

Computer can’t think and take decision itself. But computer programs can be written in a way so that it takes logical decisions. Still, it is just the program written by humans, executed by the computer.

8. No IQ

Computer has speed, memory, accuracy but it can not work itself. If not being instructed to do a thing, the computer is nothing but a useless machine. All its hardware power depends on coded instruction to perform their action. Thus it has no IQ

9. Versatility

Computer is not only in use to calculate numeric values. Computer is in use in medical, scientific experiments, multimedia  works etc. Computers cover mostly every area we can think of, now a days.  

10. Automation

Computer programs can schedule tasks that a computer can execute without any interaction. Computer programs can also store procedures which computers can execute one after another, again and again.

Next Read: What are the 6 steps followed by CPU in computer to Execute an Instruction?

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