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Explain Software Design & Implementation Activity


Software Design & Implementation Activity: The implementation stage of software development is the process of converting a system specification into an executable system. A software design is a description of the structure of the software to be implemented, the data which is part of the system, the interfaces between system components and, sometimes, the algorithms … Read more

How to read and write INI files in PHP?

how to read and write ini files in php

INI files are simple text files with a basic structure consisting of sections, property and value. INI files can be used across different platform which is a great advantage as a single INI file can be used in various versions of the same application for various platforms. INI files are used to store configurations for applications in a manner of property = value. Values can be single or one dimensional array. Also sections can be used to group same type of configurations. The last thing is comments, we can write comments in INI files. Comments in INI files starts with ; (semicolon)

How to Save PHP Array in Database in PHP?

How to Save PHP Array in Database in PHP

We will see how we can store PHP array in database. We will store the PHParray in database and we get it back, as PHP array. When we create management system or a CMS like application, we need to store a lot of configuration per user, per module etc. Multidimensional array is the best ever thing to work with in such situation. Configuration can be of two different types; searchable and not searchable. Searchable configurations are those which are used to filter a search result. For example various flags, tags, categories that we store with contents. We might need to filter contents with this flags, tags etc. No searchable configurations are like widget settings. We do not search for settings of an widget, rather we need those settings while rendering the widget.

How to read comment blocks into PHP array?

how to read commented lines into array in php

We might need to read comment blocks into PHP array. Comment blocks in php files describes a file & we might need this info in array. These comment blocks are not there just because the developer wanted to. These lines can be there as the system may require those lines to describe the file in terms such as the name of the theme or plugin, create date, author name, update date, version number etc. These information about the file then can later be used in the system or CMS.

How to pass or use PHP array/variable in JavaScript?

how to pass or use php array or variable in javascript

Multidimensional PHP arrays are similar to multidimensional JSON objects. So shouldn’t be there a way to use a multidimensional PHP array in Javascript? Obviously, and there are ways. For example you can use AJAX to make a request and get the PHP array back in JSON format. However, why to make an AJAX call if the array is ready to be used already? Right.

What is Software Specification Activity? Describe the four main phases of software specification activity?


Software specification or requirements engineering is one of the four activities of software process. In software specification, the task is to identifying and defining the services to be provided from the system and what are the constraints in the operations of the system and in the development of the system.

Describe the Waterfall Software Process Model with Advantages and Disadvantages


Waterfall model software process model was derived from general system engineering process and it is so called as the stages go top to bottom and while one stage of the process is complete it moves to the next stage and not supposed to come back to any previous stage.

Discuss the organization and functions of ALU or Arithmetic & Logic Unit

Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU): Arithmetic and Logic Unit is a like a calculator to a computer. ALU performs all arithmetic operations along with decision making functions. In modern CPU or Microprocessors, there can be more than one integrated ALU to speed up arithmetical and logical operations, such as; integer unit, floating point unit etc. … Read more