web analytics

What is a web site?

Web site: A web site is a collection of web pages. There are various links on various topics & issues. On clicking them, user can move to the linked & related web pages. A web site can be accessed by a web browser. A web site can also contain downloadable audio-video, software, games, online games and … Read more

What is web browser and server?

Web browser: Web browser is a software program that is used to navigate through WWW pages stored on the internet. Users use this to request a web page to the server by giving the address and then the browser asks the server and the server returns the page which is then decoded and displayed by the web … Read more

In C language, define input & output operations and management of them.

Input & output operations:  The operations which took place in order to take data and make the display of the processed information are known as input & output operations. Management of input & output operations:  In C language, in general, user use scanf and printf functions for input and output purpose respectively. scanf can be used … Read more

What are the different operators?

Arithmetic operators:  The arithmetic operators are +, -, *, /. They work the same way as they do in other languages. There are three types of arithmetic operators which are as follows, . Integer arithmetic:  Here operands are integer. For a=14 and b=4,                                   a … Read more

What are variables? What are the conditions for variables?

Variables:  A variable is a data name that may be used to store data value. A variable may take different value at different times during execution. Some examples are, average, height, class_strength. Conditions for variables:  Variable names may consist of letters, digits and the underscore character, subject to the following conditions. Must consist of only letters, … Read more

What is recursion?

Recursion : Recursion is a special case where a function calls itself. A very simple example of recursion is presented below, main(){ printf(“This is an example of recursion.n”); main(); } When executed this program will produce an output which is something like this, This is an example of recursion. This is an example of recursion. This … Read more

What is nesting of functions?

Nesting of functions : In C, each function can contain one or more than one function in it. There is no limit as to how deeply functions can be nested. Consider the following example, function main(){ function01(); }function function01(){ function02(); }function function02(){ //do something more here. } In the above example, The main() function contains function01(), the function01() contains function02 and so on. This … Read more