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What are stationary waves?

Stationary waves:  When two simple harmonic waves of the same amplitude, frequency and time period travel in opposite directions in a straight line, the resultant wave obtained is called a stationary or a standing wave. The formation of stationary waves is due to the superposition of the two waves on the particles of the medium.

What are transverse and longitudinal waves?

Transverse waves:   In transverse wave motion, the particles of the medium vibrate at right angles to the direction of propagation of wave. Example: Light waves are transverse waves.             Longitudinal wave motion:  In longitudinal wave motion, particles of the medium vibrate along the direction of propagation of the wave. Example: Sound waves are longitudinal waves.

What is resonance?

Resonance:   When the forced frequency is equal to the natural frequency of vibration of the body, resonance takes place. Resonance is a vibration of large amplitude produced by a relatively small vibration near the same frequency of vibrations as the natural frequency of the resonating system.

What are the various types of Audio formats.

Following are various types of Audio Formats with Minimal Descriptions. MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface): A MIDI file contains synthesized music. MIDI is a great choice for web, because the files are small in size. MIDI files are typically created using computer-based sequencing software or sometimes a hardware-based MIDI instrument or workstation, which organizes MIDI messages into one or more parallel “tracks” for independent … Read more

What is web directories? Describe.

Web directories A web directory or link directory is a directory on the World Wide Web. It specializes in linking to other web sites and categorizing those links. Thus, in web directory, web sites are categorized by subject. Suggested Reading: What is URL? What are the types of URL? Describe them. What are the various types of … Read more

What is link or linking? Describe the process of linking documents in HTML.

Linking or Links : Links are the ‘hyper’ part of the hypertext – that is the part user uses to jump from one HTML page to another. Links, also called anchors, mark text or images as elements that points to other HTML documents, images, applets, multimedia effects or specific places within a HTML document. Links differentiate HTML … Read more

What are the rules to create a domain name or write a guideline for selecting domain name.

Domain name selection guidelines: Domain name should have to be easy to remember, such as names that reflect the name of the organization. Example : The domain of T&T Firm may be like, tandtfirm.com Single letter domain names are not permitted. Example : x.com will not be a domain name. Each top level domain name is reserved for a specific purpose. … Read more

Write down the steps to create a web site.

Creating a web site: Creating a web site consists several steps. But the most common and important steps to be followed can be shown by the following flowchart. Suggested Reading: Why we need own website Or What is the necessity of personal websites? (i) Planning: To build a website, first of all we will have … Read more