web analytics

Write down the steps to create a web site.

Creating a web site:

Creating a web site consists several steps. But the most common and important steps to be followed can be shown by the following flowchart.

Write down the steps to create a web site.

Suggested Reading:

  1. Why we need own website Or What is the necessity of personal websites?

(i) Planning:

To build a website, first of all we will have to build a plan of what kind of information will be provided to what kind or types of users. There also should be proper planning about the maintenance, content maintenance, site maintenance etc.

(ii) Organizing:

It is very important to organize all the information properly so that it becomes easy for the users to move around the site. If they can get required information easily and quickly then they will return to the site, otherwise not.

(iii) Creating:

To create or to write we can use a text editor like notepad etc. Then we will write the codes carefully as they were planed. As the site may contain many pages, it is important to be careful about the continuum.

(iv) Testing:

When the coding is completed, then using a browser we should test what we have created. During testing we will check that if there is any mistake in the text, arranging the images, the view of the pages and the links. If there is any kind of mistake we will edit the code again, and if needed then we will repeat the points (i), (ii) & (iii).

(v) Publishing:

As the site is ready to be published, we will publish it by putting all of its files to a web server.

(vi) Re-test or updating:

After publishing we will check or browse the page online from another computer to find that if there is any editing is needed. It is also necessary, if required, to update the information of the site.

(vii) Publicizing:

It is necessary to make people know about the site. It is also helpful to get new ideas, feedbacks etc.
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