Evaluation of Information Systems
The measurement of the efficiency of information systems is the evaluation of information systems. The evaluation of information systems depends on the amount of efficiency in workflow and management an organization achieved by implementing an information system. Evaluation of information systems is measured based on a few criteria as follows:
- Dependency of Information
- Availability of Information
- Support in Business Operation
- Help to Survive in Competition
- Reduce Uncertainty
- Value and Cost of Information
- Presentation of Information
- Accuracy of Information
- Verification and Validation of Information

Dependency of Information
How much an organization can rely on the information it gets from it’s information system is a criteria while evaluating the information system as if the information system is not providing reliable information then there is not mean to have it in the organization.
Availability of Information
Information systems are meant to deliver information when asked for. So if an information system can’t deliver information in time, that if information is unavailable at the moment when required, the whole system becomes useless.
Support in Business Operation
An organization implements single or multiple information systems to get support in every levels of the organization’s operations. Thus an efficient information system is supposed to support business operations in each level.
Help to Survive in Competition
To survive and run successfully in the market an organization need to face and win various challenges from other organization in the market. Information systems are supposed to help organization in this survival by delivering competitive reports.
Reduce Uncertainty
Information systems are supposed to deliver forecasts based data and current market data to take business decision in a way that reduces uncertainty of the business.
Value and Cost of Information
The cost of developing, implementing and running an information system must be less than the value of the information it provides. If it is more costly to operate an information system than what the information system gives in return then there is no need to have such an information system.
Presentation of Information
Efficiency of an information system depends on the presentation of information by the system. The information system that represents information in an attractive, easy and more understandable format is obviously more efficient than others.
Accuracy of Information
Like reliability of the information achieved from an information system, accuracy of the information is also important.
Verification and Validation of Information
If data were collected from multiple sources then information system must cross-check the data to verify and validate it before using it in processing to generate information.