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Describe the Von Neumann Architecture or IAS architecture.

Von Neumann Architecture: 

In 1947, John Von Neumann developed an architecture of a new stored-programmed electronic computer which is also referred as the IAS computer as the Institute for Advanced Studies in Princeton. Key concepts of that design are as follows.

  1. Stored program concept.
  2. Data and instructions are stored in a single read-write memory.
  3. Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) is capable of operating on binary data.
  4. The contents of this memory are addressable by location without regarding to the type of data contained there.
  5. Control unit, which interprets and executes the instructions in memory.
  6. Execution occurs in a sequential fashion from one instruction to the next, unless explicitly modified.
  7. Input/Output equipment are operated by the control unit.

Shown below is the general structure of the Von Neumann Architecture.
Describe the Von Neumann Architecture or IAS architecture.
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