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Compare among Assembler, Compiler and Interpreter

Assembler, compiler and interpreter are translator software but they are different mostly on how they translate.

Compare among Assembler, Compiler and Interpreter
Subject to Differentiate
Number of lines
Assembler converts each line of assembler code into online of machine code
Compiler converts all the lines of source code at a time
Interpreter converts one line of source code at a time
In case of mistake
Compiler shows an error message highlighting the line number if there is any mistake in the source code
If there is any mistake in any line, interpreter stops converting before that line
Difficulty to find mistakes
It is hard to find mistake in assembler
It is hard to find mistake in compiler
It is easy to find the mistake in interpreter
Execution Time
Compiler takes shorter time to execute
Interpreter takes longer time to execute
Executable file
Once compiled, the executable file can run by itself
Interpreted code can’t run itself
Places to run/use
Compiled code made in a system can run in any system
Interpreted code will need the system specific interpreter along with the source code to run
Compiled languages include C++, Pascal etc.
Interpreted languages include LISP, BASIC etc.
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