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What is entropy?

Entropy:  The term ‘Entropy’ is a Greek word and means transformation. Entropy is a physical property or nature of a substance that remain constant in an adiabatic process. It is a quantity that increases with the application of heat in a reversible manner. If, a process or cycle reject or absorb heat of amount dQ … Read more

Describe Carnot’s reversible engine.

Carnot’s reversible engine In 1824, Sadi Carnot conceived a closed reversible cycle consisting two strokes. Since that Carnot’s cycle reversible because it consists two isothermals and two adiabatic, all of which are reversible process. Carnot’s engine is free from all the defects of practical engine, its efficiency is maximum and it is an ideal heat … Read more

What are the postulates of the kinetic theory of gases?

Postulates of the kinetic theory of gases:  Following are the 13 postulates of kinetic theory of gases. Gas contains small individual particles called the molecules. They follow Newton’s laws of motion. The properties of the molecules of a gas are same, but different for different gases. The volume of a molecule is negligible when comparing … Read more

Explain isothermal and adiabatic process?

Isothermal process: If a system is perfectly conducting to the surroundings and the temperature remains constant throughout the process, then the process is called an isothermal process. In this process, although the temperature remains constant but the heat is variable. From the given figure, from A to B, pressure decreased and work is done. There … Read more

What is the second law of thermodynamics?

Second law of thermodynamics The second law of thermodynamics has Kelvin-Planck statement and Kelvin-Clausius statement. They are stated below. Kelvin-Planck statement  Kelvin-Planck statement of the second law states that, it is impossible to get a continuous supply of work from a body which can transfer heat with a single heat reservoir. Kelvin-Clausius Statement Kelvin-Clausius statement … Read more