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12 Advantages of E-commerce

12 Advantages of E-commerce


E-commerce or Electronic Commerce is a modern way of business. Transaction in case of buying or selling a product or service through electronic devices and internet connection is E-commerce. In E-commerce, the buyer and seller can not only communicate with each other but also the buyer can pay and the seller can receive payments through internet connection which can be called electronic payment service.

E-commerce has many features and must-have features and a few disadvantages also. However, here is a list of 12 Advantages of E-commerce.

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What is E-commerce? 7 Features of E-commerce in Detail

What is E-commerce? 7 Features of E-commerce in Detail


E-commerce or Electronic Commerce is a modern way of business. Transaction in case of buying or selling a product or service through electronic devices and internet connection is E-commerce. In E-commerce, the buyer and seller can not only communicate with each other but also the buyer can pay and the seller can receive payments through internet connection which can be called electronic payment service. So in E-commerce, a product travels to buyer from seller or a service is served to it’s buyer without the need for the buyer to meet the seller by appearing physically. Again, in E-commerce, the seller receives payment for his/her sale without meeting the buyer physically.

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