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Describe the general properties of nucleus.

General Properties of Nucleus: (i) Nuclear Size: From Rutherford’s work, the mean radius of nucleus is  and the radius of the atom is . Thus the radius of the nucleus is 10,000 times smaller than the radius of the atom. The empirical formula for the nuclear radius is, Here, A is the mass number,  is a constant. From … Read more

Derive the de Broglie wavelength for a charged particle of charge q and accelerated through a potential difference of V volts.

The Required de Broglie Wavelength: A photon of light of frequency  has the momentum, But, . Therefore, the momentum of the photon can be expressed in terms of wavelength λ as, The wavelength of a photon is, therefore, specified by its momentum according to the relation, de Broglie suggested that the above equation is applicable for any … Read more

Derive the Einstein’s photoelectric equation.

Einstein’s Photoelectric Equation :  According to Einstein, light of frequency  consists of a shower of photons, is of energy . When a photon of light of frequency  is incident on a metal, a part of the energy acquired by the electron is used to pull out the electron from the surface of the metal and the rest of … Read more