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Describe the Waterfall Software Process Model with Advantages and Disadvantages


Waterfall Software Process Model:

Waterfall model software process model was derived from general system engineering process and it is so called as the stages go top to bottom and while one stage of the process is complete it moves to the next stage and not supposed to come back to any previous stage. Shortly, the operation enters an stage if and only if the previous stage, if any, completes. However, in practice, things doesn’t happen this way.

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Software doesn’t “wear out”- Explain this comparing with hardware.


What is “wear out”?

When something is no longer of any use, it reaches the “wear out” state. That is, it cannot perform the function it was built for. For example, a printer reaches “wear out” state it can’t print anymore. This doesn’t include the recycling options. One makes use of a dead printer to do anything else but printing. 

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