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Describe the Internal Architectures, Features, Working Principles and Registers of 8086 Microprocessor.


Internal Architecture of Intel 8086 Microprocessor The Intel 8086, also called the iAPX 86, is a 16-bit microprocessor designed by Intel Corporation in between 1976-1978. This Intel 8086 microprocessor gave rise to the x86 architecture or 16-bit architecture. The figure given below is the internal architecture of Intel 8086 microprocessor Features of 8086 Microprocessor: 8086 … Read more

Enable Disable Javascript Console Output easily for development and production

Web Developers use console to log debugging information from within the script primarily. Browser console is a great place and there are many available console methods to help a developer and also an end-user what’s going on in the script. A developer can output simple log messages for debugging to console along with warning, error … Read more

Describe the 5 key parts of a micro-computer.

A micro-computer is a machine built with hardware and ran by software. The 5 key parts among the various hardware and software are as follows. 1. Processor Processor is the brain of the micro computer Processors include millions of transistors. the performance increases with the number of transistors It runs the programs The processor can … Read more

Write down about the computer hardware devices in the organization of a micro computer.

A basic PC (Personal Computer) has a number of computer hardware elements. Most of these elements are contained in the system unit of the micro computer. The hardware devices in the organization of a micro computer are as follows. 1. Processor: Processor is the brain of the micro computer Processors include millions of transistors. the … Read more

8 Differences between optical and magnetic storage devices.

Differences between optical and magnetic storage devices are how they store and retrieve data. Both devices are used for long term data storage. However, magnetic storage devices such as hard disk exists because of huge storage capacity and optical storage devices such as CD exists because of it’s portability feature.

Compare among Assembler, Compiler and Interpreter

Assembler, compiler and interpreter are translator software but they are different mostly on how they translate. # Subject to Differentiate Assembler Compiler Interpreter 1 Number of lines Assembler converts each line of assembler code into online of machine code Compiler converts all the lines of source code at a time Interpreter converts one line of … Read more

What is software? What are the various types of software.

Software Software is a set of instructions that make the computer perform tasks. In other words, software tells the computer what to do. Though the array of available programs is vast and varied, most software fall into two major categories; system software and application software. Types of software System software Operating system software Network operating … Read more