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What are the key principles and practices of object-oriented programming (OOP)?

What are the key principles and practices of object-oriented programming (OOP)?

Mastering Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): Key Principles and Practices


Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a widely used paradigm in software development that allows for modular, flexible, and maintainable code. It revolves around the concept of objects, which encapsulate data and behavior.

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What are the key activities in the software development life cycle (SDLC)?

What are the key activities in the software development life cycle (SDLC)?

Exploring the Key Activities in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)


The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a systematic and structured approach to developing software applications. It provides a framework for software engineers to plan, design, develop, test, deploy, and maintain software systems.

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What are the activities of computer virus?

Computer Virus: A computer virus is a parasitic program that infects other legitimate programs, which are sometime referred as hosts. To infect the host program, the virus modifies the host to store a copy of the virus. After infection, viruses make various damages to the system which may be low to high to critical. To … Read more

Describe the Internal Architectures, Features, Working Principles and Registers of 8086 Microprocessor.


Internal Architecture of Intel 8086 Microprocessor The Intel 8086, also called the iAPX 86, is a 16-bit microprocessor designed by Intel Corporation in between 1976-1978. This Intel 8086 microprocessor gave rise to the x86 architecture or 16-bit architecture. The figure given below is the internal architecture of Intel 8086 microprocessor Features of 8086 Microprocessor: 8086 … Read more

What is software process? What are the 4 activities of software process framework?

Software Process:  Software Process is a set of required activities and the outcome of the activities with a target to produce a software product. A software process is a flowchart of developing a software product, which includes fathering requirements, analyzing those requirements, scheduling development phases, checking the developments, implementing changes etc. and this can be … Read more