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Breadth First Search – Simulation Viewer Software

We the students of CSE department and others who are related to this field know about Breadth First Search technique. In this current semester, my teacher asked to write a software which will be able to show simulation of this search technique on a tree inserted by user. Thus I wrote this software which is able take a tree as input and then show simulation of BFS on it.
However, this is the first time I am working with Drawing Objects in VB.NET and this made the software a little complex in back end. 

Also, if you cross 10 breadths the software may take a long time to draw the tree and the tree’s width will become so large that it will be hard to view the tree.
I have set few complete and incomplete trees already with the software as Built-in Trees (Find them on the Top-Right corner of the software). You can use them if are having trouble to insert trees. I have also added some instructions on right side of the software which can be used to understand the way of inserting trees.
I would like to represent the software with few images here,
(Open images to new tab/window for larger view)

This is the interface of the software.

Here, I have selected a 3-depth complete binary tree from the top-right corner. Then I clicked the button “Draw Tree” to draw the tree. The tree has been drawn on the left panel of the software. After that I enter 5 as Search Item and also checked the Save Simulation Images checkbox to save the images of the steps of the simulation. I entered Tanmay as folder name where the images will be saved. This folder will be created there from where you ran the software. Then finally I clicked the button “Simulate”. It results the simulation. I can not show the simulation here, however I have listed the photos of the steps of the simulation those were saved during the simulation was going on.
You can download this software from this link:
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