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C++ Program (Source Code) for Priority Scheduling CPU Scheduling Algorithm

Priority Scheduling: In operating systems, tasks that are queued to be processed go through different scheduling algorithms in different operating systems. Priority Scheduling is one of them. Priority scheduling is like shortest job first except that the next job to process is selected not by the amount of time it will take, but by the … Read more

C++ Program (Source Code) for Round Robin (RR) CPU Scheduling Algorithm

Round Robin (RR): In operating systems, tasks that are queued to be processed go through different scheduling algorithms in different operating systems. Round Robing or RR is one of them. In round robin, like first come first served, the job or task that comes first, gets processed first, but not fully. Rather in round robin, … Read more

C++ Program (Source Code) for Preemptive Shortest Job First (SJF) CPU Scheduling Algorithm

Shortest Job First: In operating systems, tasks that are queued to be processed go through different scheduling algorithms in different operating systems. Shortest Job First or SJF is one of them. In shortest job first, literary, the smallest task among all the remaining tasks will get processed first. However, I explained Shortest Job First (SJF) … Read more

C++ Program (Source Code) for First Come First Served (FCFS) CPU Scheduling Algorithm

First Come First Served (FCFS):  In operating systems, tasks that are queued to be processed go through different scheduling algorithms in different operating systems. First Come First Served or FCFS is one of them. In first come first served, literary, the task that comes first to be processed gets processed first, then the next one … Read more