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How to find and block low-paying ad networks in google adsense?

Google adsense is awesome in case of filling your ad spaces or responding to your ad requests. To do this google adsense has a very big inventory ready all the time. But google display ads from third-part ad networks too.

And not of all of these ad networks are high paying ad networks. Some of those ad networks pay as low as $0.05 per thousand impression or much lower. So you should check if you are displaying most of your ads from these kind of low paying ad networks or not. If it is then you should look forward to blocking them.

In our last tutorial we knew that we can find and block less profitable and inappropriate ad categories and specific ads for our blog, so now lets see how to find and block low-paying ad networks in google adsense.

Finding Low-Paying Ad Networks:

  1. First of all login to your google adsense dashboard.
  2. In the top navigation menu click on Performance Reports
  3. In the left sidebar menu, go to Advanced Reports > Ad Networks
  4. Select long date range for the report, at least 3 months long. 
  5. The report table is initially sorted by the last column Estimated Earnings
How to find and block low-paying ad networks in google adsense?
In the next part, lets see how to block those low paying ad networks in google adsense.

Blocking Low-Paying Ad Networks:

  1. Open google adsense dashboard in another tab.
  2. Go to Allow & Block Ads from the top navigation menu.
  3. Open the tab Ad Networks
Okay, now switch to the browser tab in which you have the report for Ad Networks. You can optionally sort the table with the column Estimated Earnings in ascending order to find out ad networks from which you earned nothing or very low.
Now copy the name of an ad network that you want to block and then switch back to the browser tab in which you have the list of Ad Networks opened. In the search box at the top right corner of the table, paste the name of the ad network and search for it. As you will find the ad network, click on the slider-checkbox for that ad network in the Allowed or Blocked column in the table to block the ad network.
How to find and block low-paying ad networks in google adsense?

Few things to consider before blocking an ad network:

Though our goal is to block ad networks from which earn less, there are few things to consider before we block them.
  1. We should block an ad network if we are getting very high impressions from it with very low earnings.
  2. We should block an ad network which is low both at number of clicks and impression RPM
  3. We should not block an ad network with very high impression RPM even if we are not earning much from it. This is because, we should find & block those ad networks which are providing us most of our ads (impression) with a very low impression RPM. If we block them, then these high paying ad networks will start taking their place.
Okay, so that’s it for now. Let me know how things are going on.

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