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30 web application security checklist

30 web application security checklist

Web application security refers to the practice of securing web-based applications from cyber threats and vulnerabilities. With the increasing reliance on web-based applications for business and personal use, ensuring the security of these applications has become essential. Web application security involves identifying potential security risks, implementing security measures such as firewalls, encryption, and access controls, and regularly testing and monitoring the applications for vulnerabilities. Failure to secure web applications can result in data breaches, loss of sensitive information, financial losses, and damage to a company’s reputation.

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How to Easily highlight source codes in content?

Syntax Highlighter
If you want to publish source codes as part of your content, you should consider highlighting the source codes in the content, not just for beautification, it helps the reader to see something familiar. In this post I am going to present a way of highlighting source codes in content which is applicable in all platforms. This easy way to highlight source codes in contents would only requires JS and CSS support.
So if you are a blogger who writes on computer programming and publish source codes in your blog post or if you just want to publish some source codes in your website, then what you can do to stand-out the code from other text is
  • Use <code /> tags
  • Use <pre /> tags
Cool. It will look like codes but not look like as it looks like in your favorite code editor, with different colors for constants, variables, functions, strings etc. along with line numbers.
So, what you want to do is to highlight source codes and make them appearing like in a code editor, which is just not for colors, but for more readability too.

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If you want to publish source codes as part of your content, you should consider highlighting the source codes in the content, not just for beautification, it helps the reader to see something familiar. In this post I am going to present a way of highlighting source codes in content which is applicable in all platforms. This easy way to highlight source codes in contents would only requires JS and CSS support.
So if you are a blogger who writes on computer programming and publish source codes in your blog post or if you just want to publish some source codes in your website, then what you can do to stand-out the code from other text is
  • Use <code /> tags
  • Use <pre /> tags
Cool. It will look like codes but not look like as it looks like in your favorite code editor, with different colors for constants, variables, functions, strings etc. along with line numbers.
So, what you want to do is to highlight source codes and make them appearing like in a code editor, which is just not for colors, but for more readability too.

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How to connect Webmail with Gmail? Send/Receive emails from/to your webmail email addresses right from/in your gmail account.

Webmail is the mail platform that we get when we buy domains. Webmail generally offers three interfaces, Horde, Roundcube and SquirrelMail. No offense, but none of these interfaces offer modern facilities that we get from mail platforms like Gmail, Yahoo Mail etc. So what can we do? Well, we can connect webmail with Gmail to … Read more

10 tips to speed up your website? Web page optimization tips

Hello everyone and welcome to this tutorial on “How to speed up your website? Web page optimization tips”. Whenever on internet it is basically desired to have things happening faster, right? But your website is not performing good enough? Well, here are 10 site optimization tips that will boost your website loading speed. Bored with the … Read more

5 tips to speed up your website? These Web page optimization tips will give Sonic Boom

Hello everyone and welcome to this tutorial on “How to speed up your website? Web page optimization tips” PART 02. So, in my last post on website optimization, which is “10 tips to speed up your website? Web page optimization tips – Part 01“, I described 10 ways to speed up your website. If you have … Read more